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About the 
BASE Project

The BASE Project (Building Academic Self-Efficacy) is a Fully funded, sector-leading English and Maths CPD supporting FE leaders and teachers improve the life chances of learners aged 16-19.


Together with Leeds Beckett University, we have taken our proven Learning Nutrition approach and our Development Wheel Platform to offer a new approach to teaching English and Maths.


Funded by the Department of Education, our project commenced in October 2022 and is funded to 31 March 2025.


The format

We will recruit two cohorts of FE leaders and teachers – cohort one in June 2023 and cohort two in June 2024 - to undergo a CPD programme of exploration, resources and support to develop confidence in teaching and learning.

We want to increase outcomes for students and teachers through sector-leading CPD for FE managers and teachers, with high-quality proven teaching resources and communities of learning and celebrate success.

Throughout the project Leeds Beckett University will be undertaking a comprehensive robust academic research exercise to highlight best practice and capture feedback to inform future delivery.


Continued positive trajectory 

Our approach supports individual learning journeys, enabling your students to motivate themselves through the attainment of steps along the way.  Evidence confirms that this reward-based motivation facilitates increased effort and willingness to continue, thus building a stronger sense of self-efficacy, now and for the future.

Regular reporting from our monitoring and evaluation partners and direct feedback from the champions within your setting will enable adjustments and refinements to be made to the Learning Management System and the programme.  This ensures a continued commitment to evidence based learning and implementation of reflective practice outcomes.  

Increased CPD access by teachers 

Our online Learning Management System means your teachers can access needs-led support in their own time and at their own pace.  
The initial starting point of the project is to ensure that FE managers are onboarded well and have a shared understanding of the goals and success criteria for the project. 

By identifying a community of supportive FE managers and champions within each setting and directly supporting them to support their colleagues, we effectively increase the reach and number of people who are able to receive CPD support. By empowering the settings themselves the benefits to the CPD will last beyond the project end date, offering a sustainable legacy for the future.

Ensuring CPD activities meet teacher needs  

As part of our ongoing monitoring and evaluation process the online platform will track patterns of usage and interaction to indicate where the impact is strongest. This data will provide a view of impact over time to ensure we make the necessary changes to delivery and CPD practice.

We will also hold a conference in the summer of 2024 to give managers and teachers the opportunity to feedback, share best practice and celebrate success as part of a wider learning community.

Chelsea, GCSE English Teacher

It was very immersive and taught me a lot about learning new skills.

Eve, GCSE Course Lead

I liked how interactive the session was and how we were practically shown how things can be successful.

Neil, Head of School

Really good session about breaking down complex teaching into easy manageable steps

Our Team

Our Team

Our senior management and project team boast an exceptional background in teaching and learning to deliver this project.

C/O Create Development Ltd

1st Floor, 111 Queens Road, Weybridge, Surrey

KT13 9UN.


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© 2023 BASE Project. Funded by the UK Government

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