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Monitoring & Evaluation

As part of the intervention, Create Development will involve an academic institution, Leeds Beckett University, to design and run a rigorous independent Implementation and Process Evaluation (IPE). This will consider key factors to ensure that the delivery of the CPD is standardised and quality maintained in all colleges. It will also look at the effectiveness over time and the mechanisms that ensure success.

The monitoring and evaluation is not designed to be overly zealous and is designed to fit in with, rather than interrupt, everyday college routine.


There will be the opportunity to feedback on the training and how learning develops from college management, teaching staff and students as follows:


College management: A questionnaire and interview with any management staff available about the training delivery and the college perception of its effectiveness in the initial stages.


Teaching staff: A questionnaire for all teaching staff involved around their confidence following the training and at certain timepoints throughout the year. There will also be interviews, with teaching staff who volunteer, about the training, their perception of the delivery and its effectiveness in the initial stages for both themselves and their students. Teaching staff will also be asked about their user experience of the Development Wheel.


Students: A very short questionnaire will be administered to students online about their self-efficacy for English/Maths at the beginning of the year and periodically as the project progresses. Students will also be asked to volunteer for short interviews about their experience of prior learning, their confidence levels, Learning Nutrition and the Development Wheel.


Leeds Beckett University has gone through a full ethics application process to conduct this evaluation and college management (as the ‘gatekeepers’) will give their permission too for this IPE to run. Any questions should be directed to the IPE Lead Dr Eleanor Willard at

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KT13 9UN.


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